I just read that some "bucket biologist" released some feral pigs in the Bruneau desert area of SW Idaho. Feral pigs are highly adaptive, reproduce like fleas, and are incredibly destructive to the local ecology being both a vector for disease and trashing flora. These pigs they noted were most likely transported from California. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is going to try to eradicate them through the winter hoping to impact the population before they are able to reproduce. If you are in the SW corner of the state and see any sign of the oinkers please report the information to the Idaho Department of Agriculture.
This is another case of somebody's personal selfishness like dumping lake trout in Yellowstone Lake. As the pigs can severely impact stream-side vegetation they could adversely impact trout habitat.
bamboo prawn fishing rods
5 weeks ago
I don't think they consider the impacts possible from their actions. Too nearsighted on the opportunities to hunt/fish for their favorite pet species.
You do fish with a .22 right? hahaha Why not just shoot the damned things if you see them? Wade actually had a Boar Hunter magazine with him the other day. My DH...the true southern redneck...snake boots, gator hunting permit, hunting for deer everyother weekend...next I suspect he'll be muddin' somewhere. I've seen several wild hogs dead on the roadside here. They are very destructive of vegetation.
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